Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Project 6: Simplification Through Symbolism

I chose to draw a wet dog for this particular quote because it talks about a dog taking a bath. I think the creative part of the drawing is that I drew the dog smiling. Most dogs in the rain would be drawn sad, but this dog is happy because it is "sprinkling a shower of advice".

I found this interpretation to be correct because it clearly portrays the quote. I found this quote slightly difficult to make a symbol for because all of the words are descriptive. One of the other ideas I had for this quote was to draw a person and put duct tape over their mouth, however I thought that was getting to detailed.

This is my favorite quote. I decided to draw two hearts because that shows that the good things you do will come back around, and good things will happen to you. I made them sharp edged to show that bad things can also come back around if you do bad things onto others.

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