Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Project 1: Shape Potential

I found that this shape looks like a saw when turned to the side. I added wood and an arm to make the scene a little more clear.

This shape makes a very good hair clippers. My Mom is a hair dresser so this shape was easy for me to pick out.

A mouse running into a hole is another scene that I saw in this odd looking shape. This mouse turned out to be my favorite one. 

The top shape on this page is a flashlight. Next to the flashlight I drew two batteries. 
Below the flashlight is a Dirt Devil. This shape can portray both of these devices well. 

This is a scene of a boat in a lightening storm. The sail that is built from the odd shape has been struck by lightening and is torn slightly. 

When turning the shape I was given straight up and down, it look exactly like a cartoon character. I placed an interesting hat on him to add interest. 

This is a side view of a vase with flowers in it. The flowers were difficult to draw because I am not used to drawing them from a side angle. However, I do believe it works well. 

A party hat is where I started with this drawing. From there I decided the shape should be turned into a mother carrying a birthday cake to her sun/daughters birthday party. 

This is a scene of mountains and a lake with a sunset in the background. This is the type of landscape that I find the most beautiful. 

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