5 Events:
Cher represents my trip to Las Vegas. I went for basketball and fell in love with all of the lights. Walking up and down the strip I noticed all the different forms of advertising and how interesting they were. This made me start looking into the design field.Sandy is a character that symbolizes San Diego. I also went there to play basketball, and noticed a very different type of style. I was so drawn to the graffiti look along the beach that I was inspired to look into some artists. It is my dream to one day live in San Diego.
Deb is a theater girl. I worked at an Opera House in my home town, and absolutely loved it. It was when I started working there that I found my artsy side. I ran the lights for many of the shows, and really enjoyed it. Even though I never wanted to be on stage, I found a great appreciation for those who were.
Ben is my ex boyfriend. We dated for three years, and then broke up. It was an awful break up, but I am happy that it happened because if it wasn't for that event, I wouldn't be here. I decided once I was single that it was time for me to branch out and discover my passion.
Jen is a cowgirl that is meant to represent horse shows. I started showing horses when I was really young, and continued to do it through high school. I loved being around horses and it was also something that my family did together. The horse shows made me realize what hard work is, and how to take care of things.
5 People:
Mrs. Brown was my English and Yearbook teacher in high school. She is responsible for introducing me to Photoshop and InDesign. I took yearbook, and really loved it. It was then that I found my passion. I didn't realize it right away, but looking back now I know that it was.My Grandpa is my hero. He has always pushed me to do my best, and is behind me 100%. When my Grandpa found out that I wanted to move to Texas to go to the Art Institute, he was so proud. He helped me work through many times that I was unsure about what I wanted to do and where I wanted to go.
My Dad is one of the most amazing people I know. I am so lucky because he is always willing to help me out no matter what. He has supported me in every way possible, and is such a great role model.
My Grandma has inspired me to always work hard. She is 83 years old and still mows her lawn, gardens, and takes care of her animals. She is such a great person to talk to when I am having a bad day, and always makes me feel better. I am so lucky to have her in my life.
My Mom and best friend. She is the person that I call when I don't think I can take another day of school, work, or even friends. She is also the person that I call when I find out how I did on a project. I hope that when I am a Mom I do as good of a job as she does, and my kids look up to me like I look up to her.
5 Objects:
Chels & Kels are sisters. The reason I made sisters for an object is because I always have something that reminds me of my two sisters around when I am working. Most of the time it is my "Sisters" ring that I got as a gift from my sister, Jacee.Hannah is carrying a laptop. I always have my MacBook Pro with me when doing homework. I never go anywhere without it.
Joe is wearing a gold necklace. This represents the chain that my Grandpa gave me. I mentioned to him at one point that I like huge necklaces. He got one for me as a joke, but now it means so much to me. I always have it hanging by my workspace.
KaDee has a camera around her neck because I always have a picture of my family close to my workspace. It reminds me of all the support that I have.
Josey is wearing a pony tail. This is because I never do work without a pony tail in my hair. When my hair is up, then I feel like I am ready to be serious about creating.
Sierra has pencils in her hair. This is meant to portray sketching. One activity that always helps get creative juices flowing is sketching things out.Kali has a cup of coffee. There is nothing better than coffee in the morning before doing homework.
Nevaeh represents napping. Whenever I have had too much, or just can't seem to get creative I always take a nap. When I wake up I am refreshed and ready to work again.
Lori is meant to portray tanning. I find it so relaxing and I can clear my head. I find it very relaxing to lay by the pool and tan.
Jane is showing that a glass of wine is something that helps me when I am trying to be creative. With limitation, wine is a great way to relax and at the same time get your mind going about whatever you may be working on.
This may not be the best activity that I do, but Ned represents me searching Google when I have a creative block. I like to search whatever I'm working on and look at other people's images. Right or wrong it really helps me.Spencer represents reading a book or magazine. I like to look through magazines and see what creative choices other people have made. Some work that I find is very inspirational.
Jacee is my sister, and loves music. This character also represents my love for music. I really like having some background noise of a mixture of music while I'm working.
JJ is a runner that represents my main activity. I love to run because it relives stress, clears my mind, and allows me to have a fresh start when I get back to working.
Jadi is my older sister, and this activity is walking my dog. I really enjoy going on walks with my dog, Veda especially in the evenings. It's a really nice break from homework and I know we both enjoy it.
What Hinders Me:
Anxious Ann is the biggest thing that hinders my creativity. When I get overwhelmed with homework, I get extremely anxious and cannot focus. When this happens I try to force my creativity onto my work and it never turn out well.The J on the back of my cards is for my name, Justene. I thought it would be a simple way to illustrate the Anxious Ann card game.